TEDxTUHHSalon on July 2 at 18:00 in Audimax II

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TEDxTUHHSalon on July 2 at 18:00 in Audimax II

Beitrag von TEDxTUHH » Mi, 25. Jun. 14, 10:27

On Wednesday, July 2 at 18:00 in Audimax II, TEDxTUHH presents TEDxTUHHSalon: Life & Death. The evening will be filled with amazing speakers and entertainers. Some of our amazing speakers for TEDxTUHHSalon are:

- Martin Percy, director of the interactive film series “Life-Saver,” which teaches viewers how to react in emergency situations. Among many honors, Percy has won four Webbys and has been received three Emmy nominations. Check it out: https://life-saver.org.uk/

- Thomas Fleischmann, an emergency physician who has seen more than 2,000 people die, 200 of whom he brought back to life! Fleischmann will share his insights on what it’s like to cross this line between life and death – and come back.

- Rüdiger Nehberg, also known as “Sir Vival,” a famous German survival expert and human rights activist. More than 6,000 women each day suffer from the practice of genital mutilation – with his non-profit organization “Target,” Nehberg aims to eradicate this practice.

For more information and to register for tickets, visit our website: www.tedxtuhh.de.

We look forward to seeing you on July 2!
<a href="http://tedxtuhh.de">tedxtuhh.de</a>
